5 Reasons to Purchase Outdoor Gear from Small Makers

When it comes to purchasing outdoor gear, many people turn to big-name brands and mass-produced items. However, buying handcrafted outdoor gear from small makers has many benefits that should not be overlooked. Here are five reasons why you should consider purchasing handcrafted outdoor gear from small makers:


Quality: Handcrafted outdoor gear is made with care and attention to detail that you won't find in mass-produced items. Small makers take the time to ensure that each piece is made to the highest standards, using the best materials and techniques. This results in gear that is built to last and can handle the rigors of the outdoors. 


Support local communities and economy: Buying from small makers helps to support local communities and economies. Small makers often source materials and labor locally, which helps to keep money circulating within the community. Additionally, buying from small makers also helps to preserve traditional craftsmanship and skills that are often lost in mass-production.  It is important to pass on skills to the next generation.


Environmental sustainability: Many small makers are committed to using sustainable materials and practices in the production of their gear. This can include using natural, renewable materials like cotton and wool, or implementing eco-friendly manufacturing processes. By purchasing handcrafted outdoor gear from small makers, you can feel good knowing that you are supporting environmentally sustainable practices.  You are helping to keep items out of landfills


Unique and personal: Handcrafted outdoor gear made by small makers often has a personal touch and uniqueness that you won't find in mass-produced items. Each piece is made by hand, which means that no two items will be exactly the same. This makes handcrafted outdoor gear a unique and personal addition to your outdoor gear collection.


Customization: Many small makers offer the ability to customize their gear to your specific needs and preferences. This can include things like custom sizing, color options, and even the ability to add your own personal touches. This ensures that the gear you purchase is tailored to your unique needs and preferences.  This is that extra option that makes your gear even more special.


In conclusion, purchasing handcrafted outdoor gear from small makers has many benefits, including quality, customization, support for local communities and economy, environmental sustainability, and uniqueness. By choosing to purchase from small makers, you'll be able to enjoy gear that is built to last and tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

Check out some of our small makers we think are pretty cool.


1 comment

  • I couldn’t agree more!

    Nick Italiano

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