About Us
From Outdoor Passion to Family Legacy Outdoor Gear Brand
Have you ever struggled to find outdoor gear tough enough to withstand the Pacific Northwest elements? Gear built with the quality and care to be passed down for generations? We sure did - and that's how PNWBUSHCRAFT was born over a decade ago.
As avid vintage gear collectors with a deep appreciation for products made to last, we were endlessly frustrated by the lack of heirloom waxed canvas gear designed specifically for the damp, rugged PNW climate. So we decided to craft it ourselves, drawing inspiration from nostalgic outdoor memories.
The rich aroma of waxed canvas transports us back to childhood adventures - pitching Grandpa's old army tent by the creek, chasing frogs, warmed by Mom's cocoa crackling over the fire. The unmistakable hiss of a vintage Coleman lantern fills us with that cozy, heritage feeling.
What started as a personal quest for reliable, heritage-inspired bushcraft waxed canvas gear quickly turned into a true family passion project. As friends and outdoor enthusiasts admired our initial handmade creations, requests for custom orders started rolling in.
From those humble beginnings, PNWBUSHCRAFT has blossomed into a full-fledged small business dedicated to delivering future heirloom pieces. Our mission is to create exceptionally rugged waxed canvas camping, hiking and bushcraft gear you can depend on for decades - and be proud to pass to the next generation.
With uncompromising quality and attention to detail, we build every product to withstand the PNW conditions season after season. From double-rolled seams to rivet-reinforced pockets, our Traditional skills and premium materials ensure your wax canvas bag will be a longtime adventure companion.
We're truly humbled that our small labor of love has resonated so strongly with fellow outdoor enthusiasts. Thank you for putting your trust in our family brand - we wouldn't be here without such incredible support from people who share our appreciation for heritage craftsmanship and gear built to last.
Follow along as we continue growing our legacy line of American-made bushcraft and camping waxed canvas gear. We're constantly dreaming up new products to fuel your wildest outdoor expeditions - built with the same heirloom quality that has made PNWBUSHCRAFT a name respected by adventure aficionados across the USA and beyond.

Please contact us at pnwbushcraft@pnwbushcraft.com to inquire about custom orders or our wholesale pricing.