PNWBUSHCRAFT goes to the Fall Gathering at Georgia Bushcraft 2023

Do you ever just wish you could sit around a campfire with the best people and talk about anything and everything and just know someone will have a brilliant idea, great advice, or a hilarious story?

That’s the kind of wish that comes true at the Fall Gathering. Todd and I attend as vendors, so we get there early and set up our space and then fun begins because even before the public arrives you are surrounded by some of the coolest people in the outdoor industry. I would name drop here but I just let you guess who we spent time with. Everyone is so kind and generous and it is like getting the best hug ever. I get a ton of hugs at this event because I’m a hugger so if I know you, then you are getting hugged, if you look like you need a hug and I’m just being introduced then I’m gonna give you a hug, if I talk to you online and we just met in person, yup you are probably getting a hug (I’m a really good hugger too).

Enough about me and the hugging, let’s talk about all the knowledge available this weekend. There are classes going on all day and you can learn so many different things. You can make a fishhook with James Gibson, you can weave a basket with Carleigh Fairchild, you can learn man tracking from Craig Caudill at Nature Reliance and that’s just to name a few. They have classes on preserving food, processing fur and starting fires. They even have events for the kids. I hosted a class where we are coloring in my gnome coloring books. The event is pet friendly, kid friendly, people friendly and there are lots of awesome vendors there to fill your pack with tons of great goodies and its all-in-one place.
This event is put on by Casey and his family from Georgia Bushcraft and a whole host of the best volunteers. They really try to take care of all your needs and make you feel so welcome. One of the other huge things that goes on at this event is the raffles. They have a ton of gear to giveaway and people come away so happy. We have been donating to the event for a few years now and we love seeing our handcrafted gear in use. You can come for the day or you can camp for the weekend so there are options.
We were feeling especially spoiled at this event because our good friend Mikey from LTWK brought us a tent, cot, air mattresses and even cooked us biscuits and gravy. Because we fly from Washington to Georgia for this event and its hard to fit our gear, sleeping bags, clothes and display items in the luggage so we couldn’t do it without the help of our friends. Nick from Black Flag Survival brought us blankets to add to our set up which was perfect because one morning it was brisk 26 degrees out and we were thrilled to have the extra warmth.
There is so much more I could say about this event but if you are on the fence then jump off and attend in 2024 because we will be there, and it will be a blast.
I just want to say a special thank you to my friends that made me feel extra special from the friendship bread, the awesome sign, to the adorable gnomes items you spoiled me with. You know how to make a person feel special and I appreciate each and every one of you.
I was immediately overjoyed that first day, the very second I saw you and Todd; and I missed you both the very instant you left my sight that last day. There will always be hugs reserved for you both! ❤️❤️❤️