Here is another very handy item to have in your gear. It will keep your tush dry during the day and your head happy at night.
This durable waxed canvas and flannel sleeve was created to have a dual purpose. You can use it as a small ground cloth while you are out hiking or camping and then you can stuff it full of clothes at night to create a great soft pillow. Or just use it to keep your clothes organized in your pack. It would even work great to have asa spot to put your small gear.
We used super soft, well-made plaid flannel by Robert Kauffman or Eddie Bauer on one side and the other side is made with our favorite 10.1 oz waxed canvas. It measures 16" long by 13.5" deep and is created with heavy-duty outdoor thread and comes in at 4.5 oz
The waxed canvas used on the product is made using a specialized process that was created in the 1800s. Martexin Original Wax has a superior finish that is made with an environmentally friendly blend of waxes that is non-hazardous. This fabric process creates a lifelong resistance to weather and it will develop a beautifully worn look. The 100 % cotton fabric will show scratches and become distressed but will continue to look better over time as it develops its own patina.
Care Instructions:
Wash with damp cloth or hose
Do Not use soap
Do Not machine wash
Do Not dry clean
Each item is designed, created and assembled in our small shop in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. No two items are exactly alike but all are made with great care and the intent that the item will be with you for a long time. We value traditional skills and a beautiful handmade product. Our goal is to create items you can pass down to your children. We value each customer and want them to be 100% satisfied. We are building a tradition of quality handmade goods brought to you, from our family to yours.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with us with any questions. We are happy to answer all inquiries.